About Me

My Way Of Health & Life

“This is thy hour O Soul, thy free flight into the wordless” – Walt Whitman

Tom Poirier

The central focus of my practice is the transformation and renewal of our life’s energy (prana). Many people think that prana in synonymous with “breath”. While it certainly includes the breath, the Sanskrit word “prana” encompasses the vital life energy we all have access to. It has a strong connection with the breath, but is far more inclusive of our being-ness.

Most of the “work” in yoga and meditation is not so much in learning new things, but in gaining mastery to quell the subtle blocks that keep us from awakening to our greater natures. In that sense, it is truly addition by subtraction.

As someone who has struggled with my own challenges (physical and otherwise), I especially resonate with students who have tried and failed at meditation and/or yoga in the past, who feel hopeless that their “chatterbox mind” will never be tamed, who struggle with many of the poses in traditional yoga, whose bodies don’t quite move the right way or have compromised physical capabilities, who feel they are “too old to learn something new”, or have struggled with addiction challenges.
The central message to all my students is that this space is YOUR sanctuary.  It is a safe haven that YOU can come to be encouraged, encourage others, and be inspired and emboldened to emerge as your best self.

Toward that end, although patience and kindness are supreme virtues, I will stand with you, challenge you, and work with you to achieve the goals you set for yourself. This is often not an easy path, and there will be setbacks and challenges. My steadfast commitment is to provide space, inspiration, and direction for you to become the person you always aspired to be.

Meditation Instructor

Yoga Instructor
